What's Diet for Hemorrhoids is the Best?

Published on September 19 2017

About 50% of all adults over 50 experience this painful and often humiliating condition but there’s good news. You can easily fix and prevent hemorrhoids with a proper diet plan. If you are tired of being one of the many suffers, then use this prevention diet to fix your problems for good.

What is the Diet?

This diet plan isn’t some fad that only works because you believe in it. This is made from hard facts and experiments that have revealed the best foods for curing and preventing hemorrhoids. Both internal and external hemorrhoids are no match for the right foods. The diet works on two fronts. The first front, which provides immediate relief, is making stool easier to pass. The other front focuses on reducing overall pressure inside the rectum, which reduces existing hemorrhoids and prevents future ones. While this diet is, at its core, basically the same as other balanced diets, the foods recommended here are specifically chosen to help fix hemorrhoids.

What's Diet for Hemorrhoids is the Best?

What and How to Eat

Here’s everything you should eat and how you should incorporate the foods into your diet.


This is essential for bowel movements, and it’s one of the most important elements of this diet. Consuming more fiber adds bulk to your stool and allows it to absorb more water. This keeps you from straining during bowel movements and prevents future hemorrhoids.Fiber Recommendations. You need between 20-30 grams of fiber a day. Add whole grains like rice, bulgur, beans, fruits and vegetables. Just add one or two high-fiber foods to your diet per day, otherwise you will experience diarrhea. This can make hemorrhoids worse, so move up your intake slowly until you get the necessary amount fiber.

Fruits and Vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables were discussed before because they have a lot of fiber but they have additional benefits. Various studies have found that the bioflavonoids in produce reduce blood pressure and free radicals, basically preventing all further hemorrhoids from developing. Fruit and Vegetables Recommendations. As your body gets used to extra fiber, you should include at least two leafy green vegetables and two to three fruits into your daily diet. Kale, mustard greens, spinach and cabbage are great for leafy greens. Apples, oranges, bananas and all types of berries are great fruits for hemorrhoids.


Water is as essential to a healthy body as oil is to a car. Water softens stool, makes it easier to process nutrients and greatly reduces blood pressure. Avoid alcohol and limit juice because of its high sugar and acidity, but bulk up on your water consumption.Liquids Recommendations. Make sure to get at least 64 ounces of water a day, or 8 glasses. Avoid or limit drinks that don’t fully hydrate the body, such as tea, coffee, alcohol and soda. Always carry some water with you, and actively drink more to help your body.

Foods to Avoid

Here is a quick list of foods you should avoid to keep your condition from getting worse:Refined grains, Tomatoes (too acidic), Alcohol, Fried food, Excessive meat, Coffee and Caffeine.

Venapro: Best Way to Get rid of Hemorrhoids Fast

Venapro is a fast-relief hemorrhoid treatment product that will remove and prevent all forms of hemorrhoids, even bleeding hemorrhoids. It includes both a spray and supplement that will cure hemorrhoids within weeks. This is the perfect supplement in addition to changing your diet and lifestyle. All of the ingredients are natural and specifically selected to fix hemorrhoids quickly. As per latest user reviews it’s the most effective treatment option.

Other Treatment Methods

Many former hemorrhoids patients have used or performed these other treatment methods to cure and prevent their condition. Add them to your diet for even better effects.


Exercising at least 30 minutes a day about 3-5 times a week significantly lowers blood pressure, strengthens your veins and makes you feel great. This also helps with bowel movements. You don’t need to hit the gym to get your 30 minutes. Any activity, even walking, counts towards your exercise and health.


Meditation alone won’t help your hemorrhoids but it does a lot for reducing stress and pressure. If you are stressed from work or anything else in your life, then try to meditate for 30-60 minutes a day. Just sit in a neutral position, close your eyes and focus on your breathing until you feel calmed.

Diet Summary

You can fix hemorrhoids with food. It doesn’t matter if pregnancy, obesity or just bad genes were the cause of your hemorrhoids. The right diet plan will make everything better. Here’s a short summary of the diet so that you can easily remember it.

  • Eat 20-30 grams of fiber a day.
  • Make sure to just add one or two new high-fiber foods a day until you reach your goal.
  • Get at least two fruits and two vegetables in your diet to reduce your blood pressure.
  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water and avoid all liquids that remove water from your body like coffee, tea and alcohol.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes for 3-5 times a week.  Anything that increases your heart rate is applicable.
  • Use Venapro to help end hemorrhoids fast. Now apply all of these changes to your life so that you can start curing your hemorrhoids. The condition can be managed but only if you put in the work.

To learn more about Venapro, dieting and other hemorrhoids prevention methods, please  check this website. You will find why Venapro is rated as an effective treatment method as per real user feedback.

Written by Gregory Stover

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I had Hemorrhoid over years, and I have had countless different medication. All effort made to cure the menace of this recurrent problem prove abortive. I was literary at the end of the rope when I came across Jane story, Jane was inspiring, as she also had same problem as mine but uses Dr. Johnson product before she was able to get a cure. Therefore based on this info, I decided to contact him on my own regard and finally got his medicine. I only used the medicine for three weeks after which I went for a test, and my Doctor himself confirmed that Am Cured,If you are having same problem as mine, you can contact him for advice at possible solution with drjohnson958@gmail.com or call +1(518)-675-6082